A Keeper of Words: Accompanying Book to Legend: The Arthurian Tarot
There are actually several myths associated with King Arthur. Perhaps you have in mind the beautiful lords and ladies of the round table. Or maybe you think of the Quest for the Holy Grail. Perhaps you think of the early Celtic legends about him. Whatever you associate with the stories that surround this legendary king, you are sure to agree that these myths have fascinated Westerners for up to 1500 years.
There are actually several myths associated with King Arthur. Perhaps you have in mind the beautiful lords and ladies of the round table. Or maybe you think of the Quest for the Holy Grail. Perhaps you think of the early Celtic legends about him. Whatever you associate with the stories that surround this legendary king, you are sure to agree that these myths have fascinated Westerners for up to 1500 years.
There are actually several myths associated with King Arthur. Perhaps you have in mind the beautiful lords and ladies of the round table. Or maybe you think of the Quest for the Holy Grail. Perhaps you think of the early Celtic legends about him. Whatever you associate with the stories that surround this legendary king, you are sure to agree that these myths have fascinated Westerners for up to 1500 years.